WALL-E Cheats(Wii)

Written by igcompany.


Wall-E Cheats

In the password screen enter the following to unlock various features. ZPM = Zero Point Mover

All bonus features unlocked Wall-e, Auto, Eve, ZPM
All game content unlocked M-O, Auto, ZPM, Eve
All holiday costumes unlocked Auto, Auto, ZPM, ZPM
All multiplayer costumes unlocked ZPM, Wall-e, M-O, Auto
All multiplayer maps unlocked Eve, M-O, Wall-e, Auto
All single player levels unlocked Auto, ZPM, M-O, Wall-e
Eve pemanent super laser upgrade Eve, Wall-e, Wall-e, Auto
Infinite Health Wall-e, M-O, Auto, M-O
Wall-e & Eve make any cube anytime M-O, ZPM, Eve, Eve
Wall-e always has super laser Wall-e, Auto, Eve, M-O
Wall-e make any cube anytime Auto, M-O, Auto, M-O
Wall-e with lasergun anytime Wall-e, Eve, Eve, Wall-e
Walle & Eve laser gun anytime ZPM, Eve, M-O, Wall-e

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