Nintendo's success games from last year

Written by igcompany on 27 January 2012.

Nintendo released a report for last years game sellings.

Even if their latest console, the Nintendo 3DS sold poor and they had to cut the price by half to get more buyers the games for Nintendo consoles had an imense success!

Here is the top games sold of 2011 for the 3DS:

Super Mario 3D Land - 5 million copies sold

Mario Kart 7 - 4.5 million copies

The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D - 2.5 million copies

Now let's take a look at the top games sold for the Wii console:


Mario Kart Wii - 5 million copies sold

New Super Mario Bros. Wii - 3.5 million

Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword - 3.5 million

Wii Sports - 2.5 million

Wii Sports Resort - 2 million

Wii Party - 2 million

Wii Fit Plus - 1.5 million

Kirby's Return to Dream Land - 1 million

Wii Play: Motion - 1 million

Super Mario Galaxy - 1 million

The stats are showing us some big sales. That's why Nintendo can reduce 3DS's price by 50%!


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