New Super Mario Bros.(Wii) Preview

Written by Sylvia on 25 October 2009.>

It sold millions on the DS, now it is the Nintendo Wii's turn. As of November 11th 2009, Nintendo will officially release the game for it's Wii. In 2006, NSMB rocked the DS lite and sold millions world wide. But that alone did not assure its prestige condition. 20 years ago The first Super Mario Brothers game was released by Nintendo, for Nintendo, and exclusively on Nintendo. It did so well that Mario and Luigi took the Gamers world by storm and rode Nintendo to success world wide.


In the Summer of 2009 at the E3 convention Designers took the crowd to a first look at the game itself and gave them a live on take of it. Its D - Pad like controls are used and was a good idea when the system was first released. New features are a big plus. Now up to 4 players can play on 1 level, new areas and maps are included, and the gameplay has been modified to fit the Nintendo Wii's style.

All together this is a MUST GET NO JOKE. If you own a wii, had a wii, broke a Wii, gonna buy a wii., you have to get it. If you are a Mario and Luigi fan, no one is stopping you cough up $50 and its yours.

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