Sniper Elite - Berlin 1945 Game Info(PS2)

Written by igcompany on 27 January 2012.


The Second World War ends. The Russians and the Germans clash in a city devastated by the war. You incarnate the best sniper of OSS (the old CIA), infiltrated among the Germans to bring to a successful conclusion missions capitals against the NKVD. Your mission: To put the hand on nuclear sensitive material before the Russians.

The Cold war started…

Main features

  • The art of the infiltration (seen with the 3rd person): to infiltrate and find the best position of shooting.
  • The art of the snipe (seen with the 1st person): To take account of the distance, breathing, wind, good timing
  • A revolutionary AI. The enemies never react in the same way!
  • Story playable mode to 2 into co-operative
  • Ranking on Internet
  • Multi mode to 16 players out of the 3 platforms.
  • Sniper Elite-0
    • Sniper Elite-1
      • Sniper Elite-2

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