Rockstar keeps building up the tension for GTA V

Written by igcompany on 11 October 2012.

As we are used already, Rockstar knows how to promote their products. There is around a year now since we have seen the first official trailer for GTA V. Now Rockstar simply posted on their official website this picture:

Rockstar GTA V Logo

This picture has been posted by a journalist who has been invited to Rockstar's headquarters in New York City to check out Grand Theft Auto V.

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Rockstar ads department simply knows how to build up the tension around GTA fans before the launch. A while ago we hinted at a december 2012 release. But now it seems that we will have the game released in 2013. We may even have a more certain date, somewhere in march/april. GTA IV was released in april 2008 on PS3 and Xbox 360. I think Rockstar had a lot of time to develop a good game and it seems like they love to develop it in quiet.

Since journalist have been already invited to check out the game, it means that the game is almost complete. We will only have to wait for this tension build up by Rockstar so they can attract more people to buy the game. We should also get more updates (videos, screenshots, news) about GTA V in the next few weeks.

Anybody out there who just can't wait for GTA V?

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