Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Vegas 2 Cheats(Xbox360)

Written by igcompany.



While in game, open the pause menu, hold the right shoulder button and enter the following codes

GI John Doe Mode Left Thumbstick, Left Thumbstick, A, Right Thumbstick, Right Thumbstick, B, Left Thumbstick, Left Thumbstick, X, Right Thumbstick, Right Thumbstick, Y
Super Ragdoll A, A, B, B, X, X, Y, Y, A, B, X, Y

Third Person View

Third person view (Must be logged out of Xbox Live for story mode T.P.V. but not for terrorist hunt)

Third Person View X, B, X, B, Left Thumbstick, Left Thumbstick, Y, A, Y, A, Right Thumbstick, Right Thumbstick

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