Tomb Raider: Underworld Cheats(Xbox360)

Written by igcompany.


Pushbuton codes

At any random time, preferably away from enemies and action attention (e.g. climbing up a wall, or swinging from a grapple line).

Invincibility. (Hold LT) A, RT, Y, RT, X, LB
Level Clear (You have to enter the code every time you want to do this) (Hold LT) Y, L (push L stick down), B, RB, X
Nuclear Wave (To use: Press LB wile holding RT to emit) (Hold LT) X, Y, RB, A, B, LB, X
One shot kill. (Hold LT) Y, A, Y, X, LB, B
Show enemy health numerically. (Hold LT) X, B, A, LB, RT, Y
Stage Section Clear (You have to enter the code every time you want to do this) (Hold LT) RB, Y, A, A, B, RB
Swim Dart (To use: Swim and do what you would normally to swim faster) (Hold LT) A, RB, LB, RT, X, Y

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