Battlefield 3 Review

Written by Blackjack on 07 February 2012.

A power hungry terrorist with a pair of nuclear warheads for a moment quite like home worldwide. It has become a familiar scenario in many modern shooters emerges. Battlefield 3 also gets involved in this path, so the story logically very cliche. On the other hand, the implementation of the whole very successful, thanks to the serious undertone.

The game puts you in the shoes of several soldiers, the story from multiple points of view across. This is a common method, but unlike an undisclosed franchise you never lose the line. Nevertheless, take the main role of Sergeant Blackburn, by his superiors accused of treason.

So you spent the entire game for the innocence of a soldier to prove, with the result that many sites you visit. Through slick movies get more and more to abandon the negotiations with Blackburn, where you actually are many flashbacks to revive. It is nothing new under the sun and the whole is a tad slow, but a certain plot twist at the end I managed to pick scruff and that counts.

A cinematic experience
If there is a franchise that is always cinematic, Hollywood-style experience, to offer, then it is Call of Duty. Yes, I must cite the series as yet, because Battlefield 3 stores in that direction with the single player. The difference lies in the degree of realism, because sometimes what Call of Duty to the border tends to ridicule, Battlefield 3 will always keep a serious look.

I am not entirely happy with this design choice, because the result is a single player who is full of scripted events, very linear and can offer much less freedom than, say Bad Company. It even goes so far that the game has quick time events. Normally, I do not mind, but in this case you will be immediately taken out of your experience.

Even the usual, scripted events can turn out completely wrong, because if an event or not to let time expire, then you soon around the corner. So I had a machine gun on a bridge urgently to tackle incoming enemies to save a piece that also comes from one of the trailers, but when entering the bridge, I was immediately shot in the head.

When I finally grab the weapon, I was immediately blown up by a local RPG, another scripted event. Apparently I had to pick up immediately after the move to a safer place. These imperfections turn back several times in the single player and that is to say the least sin. It takes you almost always out of your experience, while experience're just such a strong point during the six hour drive.

The strengths
The problem is just mentioned for a reasonable portion of the game, but there are also missions that simply do Sat out well. The third mission is an excellent example of this, because this crew a jet. Yet this mission for some serious disappointment, because you have no control over the vehicle. Despite this, I immensely enjoy the flight, thanks to the breathtaking graphics.

In addition, not every mission alleys and narrow streets, because as you are making progress, increasing the levels and get more freedom. Only at the very last stages, I got the true sense of Battlefield, but I always had in Bad Company for example. I can not complain about the variation of the single offer, because the game was rarely in repetitive. Of driving a tank to get to feud with a local pest, you make it all.

Audiovisual Battlefield 3 is not entirely surprising a masterpiece, in which the sound again unmatched. On entering the aircraft carrier and seeing the waves, air and my mouth just fell open deck. When the jet finally took off, got the goose bumps to places where it can not go. The lighting effects are amazing and realistic, but if I must be honest, I still give the crown to that one game from 2007.

All I have to complain about the graphics is strangely enough the finish, because the facial animations were sometimes of a moderate level. Often lacking in emotion, so it was difficult to develop a special bond with the characters. In addition, sometimes blurry textures and animations are fantastic, although the body, body parts and stabbing weapons, sometimes through objects. Certainly not a game breaker, but a very small damper on the other phenomenal presentation.

The single of Battlefield 3 takes the path of its indirect competitor and wants as a cinematic experience to put down. That DICE is successful, may be clear, but the result is that the game is very much taken by the hand. Thus, the single actually scripted and linear for a true Battlefield game, especially compared to Bad Company. Eventually, the game again all is well, thanks to a surprising final story, a serious tone and of course the unprecedented audiovisual splendor.



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