Alien Fear Preview

Written by igcompany on 20 June 2012.

We wrote an article earlier in which we presented you an upcoming game called 'Alien Fear' from City Interactive. Even if we still don't have an official release date for the game, i think it is not too early for a preview. Since the screenshots have been released everybody is asking when the game will be released.

Well the game has been in the works for a while by using the Unreal 3 Engine technology and we may be getting it by the end of the year.

Alien Fear Screenshot

When i first saw the screenshots the following thoughts went through my mind: - this game looks like Mass Effect and - it brings something of that old Quake, Awesome!

This game combines two looks and brings it's own style.

Alien Fear will be a great game for sure and i think it will make it into the big world of first person shooters.

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Alien Fear Preview


Unreal 3 Engine makes this game look good and the team that is developing the game has it's 'fault'.

lien Fear will feature a multitude of weapons, armors and a good shooting system/gameplay. Besides that you can already tell from the screenshots that the graphics are so 2012. Or even 2013 i would say.

The game has been in development since 2010 and several 'monsters' have been created since then for you to shoot.

So are you waiting Alien Fear?

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