Silent Hill Homecoming, the sixth installment of this classic console series is not only the first to be programmed for the next generation PS3 and Xbox 360 machines, but also adds a new central character into the mix.
Alex Shepherd is a war veteran returning home from an overseas tour of duty, following acceptance of compassionate leave after receiving the news that his younger brother, Joshua, has gone missing. Alex begins his investigations in his small home-town of Shepherd's Glen, but soon finds himself in the mist-shrouded and seemingly empty streets of Silent Hill?
With understandable strides forward in the look of the game thanks to the increased power of the PS3 and 360, the gameplay and control mechanics have also benefited from the upgrade to better consoles. More items from the scenery can be used as weapons and collecting them is now done on the fly rather than equipping them through an inventory, meaning the tension in hectic battle sequences goes through the roof as players have less time to react.
Alex can also vary the strength of his force during combat, using combinations of light and hard attacks that can be strung together in combinations to fell enemies, or powered up for slower but more intense results. Weaker or harder counter attacks are also included as is a dodge system that lets the player skip an enemy strike and instantly attack the assailant if executed correctly, or one that reduces damages but doesn't avoid it completely if timing is slightly off. Some weapons encountered upon during play also have 'finishing' style moves for more variety when defeating enemies.
An all-new soundtrack by acclaimed series composer Akira Yamaoka accompanies the new look and gameplay features, promising to make this one of the most chilling and atmospheric Silent Hill adventures to date.
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