Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops + Game Info(PSP)

Written by igcompany on 22 December 2011.

Game Information

Metal Gear Solid Portable Ops Plus takes all of the best elements from the previous Portable Ops title, improves on them and adds even more elements to the online mode to create a must-have title at only Ł14.99 RRP.

Two types of multiplayer gaming is supported - Ad Hoc mode and Infrastructure Mode. The former lets users connect up to six PSP consoles for a local battle with friends. The latter connects with wireless connection to the online servers where owners can take on players from around the world. The Game Sharing mode will enable play with others who don't even own a copy of MPO+ as limited features are available to share with other users and users can also play against owners of the original MPO in the Free Battle mode.

New multiplayer modes include a Shooting Range where teams have to hit targets to make them part of their 'team' whilst still attacking enemies, four new online maps previously seen in Metal Gear Solid 3: Subsistence and a host of new characters including Raiden from MGS2 and Old Snake, who is about to be seen in the forthcoming MGS4.

The single player mode gives you a breather from the multiplayer action and the Boss Rush Mode will let the player take on all of the bosses from MPO one after another. The new Infinity Mode will test players even further, enabling them to recruit better soldiers to a squad after their capture. Other options include an online chat section and a photo function that lets you take snaps of the action or of your own elite team!

Game Facts
Genre: Action-Adventure
Release-Date: Out now!
Players: 1-6
Age Rating: Minimum Age: 12
  • Local and online multiplayer modes
  • Variety of game modes for teamplay and battle
  • Game sharing - play limited multiplayer modes with the one game!
  • 100 characters to recruit
  • Stages, soldiers and secrets from other MGS titles

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