Age of Empires III Review(PC)
The third game of the series comes with brand new graphics and new AI that promises the ultimate experience.
The players are able to choose between 4 types of difficulty(onestly the last one you can play it only with cheats).
Ensemble Studios payed attention to all the small details and they animated every tree on the map. It's cool
when it rains and you can hear that sound while the trees are moved by rain's force!
Another cool detail about the graphics of this game is the water. There are some cool reflexions in the water and expecially if you update the game
you will be able to feel the ultimate experience.
There are also some expansion packs if you already finished the campaign from the game.
The gameplay is a pretty good one. Even if it's not that good at the one from Age of Empires II it's still good
but the high graphics makes it harder to move faster even on high end computers.
In the campaign mode you are controlling multiple characters but for some of you it may seem too short, that's
why is good to have an expansion pack around!
In single player there is a new feature: you can create a new home city and raise it to a high level.
You can do that by earning XP and by doing that you can command some resources from the home city or some soldiers.
There is not a limit of home citys. If you are bored of playing with one you can create another one, the first will
remain saved.
So here we go with the score:
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